For the photography class I’m taking, we’re keeping a semester-long photo-per-day “diary”. Every Tuesday we share and critique each others pictures…fun stuff. I’ve been failing in the picture-posting department thus far, so hopefully each Tuesday I’ll have at least seven pics for y’all to enjoy!
“What you want is to be a poet. You articulate sounds that are still formless, you invent what looks like a possible route. And yet the fundamentals are already there: you translate an attitude and rationalize an intuition, using first of all what is specific to photography. There is the refusal of style and the refusal of sentimentalism, there is the desire for clarity and there is the measuring of the distance that separates me from what I see. There is also the will to be like a servant of the image, of its rigorous demands: to take the camera where it needs to be and to make an image that is subservient neither to the real nor to an intention – for the intention of the moment will always fall short of what you’re really looking for. You have to record as many details as possible and achieve an order, without taking away the complexity of the real. To voice the real and at the same time to create an image that is a world in itself, with its own coherence, its autonomy and sovereignty; an image that thinks.”
At this point, I’m just trying to bear in mind the part about always falling short of what you’re really looking for. But it’s a nice thought overall, if a tad overwhelming…anyways. Enjoy!
what is the quote from?