It's been one week, and I'm starting to settle down a bit, but we've been so busy that I really haven't had a chance to process anything. We arrived last Thursday in Rome, drove 3 hours to Assisi to bond and get oriented at an "agrituristica" surrounded by vineyards, then met our families on Saturday evening outside of Siena. My family took me to Arezzo on Sunday, and then I started my 5 hours/day of intensive Italian and culture study on Monday. But I've identified a few trends and aspects of life in Europe, in Italy, in Siena, and even just my host family that I'll be keeping tabs on while I'm here. So, here's what I'll be paying attention to:
- THE FOOD. Eating habits, attitudes about health and the body, all that stuff. So far, everything in Europe is smaller, fresher, and less processed. The traditional diet is extremely carb-y (think pasta TWICE a day, plus bread, plus cheese), but luckily my whole life has conditioned me to be happiest with this kind of diet (thanks Mom!!). I could go on for ages about the food...oh, and there's gelato...
- Living in a Medieval City. It's nothing like living anywhere in the US.
- Rules of the Road. I really thought I was going to puke when my host mom drove the fam out to Arezzo...
- and of course, my HOST FAMILY. They are an endless source of information and intrigue; we're still getting to know each other but it's been going well. Once I can speak more Italian I think it will be even better!
- **Fashion** Man-purses and super skinny jeans? I'm lovin it (and imagining any male from home rocking the same styles)
- and, ever the American Studies major (and feeling guilty about not getting a single credit towards it), I've been tuning in to race relations here in Siena...just from comments made by my host family, graffiti I've seen in the city, and headlines in the paper it looks like a vibrant issue here! Hooray...?
That's it for now! I'm taking advantage of a break at school- everyone just went to the Italian post office to apply for Sienese permits of stay; this is yet another hurdle I've been able to bypass with my Irish passport.
your comment about my cooking really made my day. love, mom